20 Affirmations of Faith: Can I get an Amen?












I count it a blessing to have the opportunity to learn from such an amazing Pastor, and some truly awesome ministers of God’s word. Sunday after Sunday I feverishly scribble down notes, and in between the shouting and jumping from my seat, I manage to jot down some great nuggets that I believe God himself pours out for me…for us. So I’d like to share some encouragement, that I pray leaps from my notepad into your heart.

This list is in no particular order, and is by no means all-encompassing. Just simply a few gems that I feel led to share. May it be a blessing to all who read!

20 Affirmations of Faith

  1. You’re not just a survivor, but more than a conqueror. The Lord will enable you to excel, right in the midst of your problem. Realize that when facing the fire, you truly are in a place of opportunity.
  2. Your pain lies at the cross, so you don’t have to carry it. There was a process before Christ went to the cross. Remember the work He did and refresh your faith when you look at the cross. Walk in your victory!
  3. You are called to higher places – you don’t have to stay where you are. Position yourself to be blessed by God, and He will raise you up and bless you simply to get His glory. Submit to the anointing and make yourself available. There’s no place that God can’t reach down to, to pick you up. Just rely on the word of God.  A word can build you up and give you strength to stand where you couldn’t stand before.
  4. When others count you out, they are only positioning you for God to use you for His Glory. The devil’s intent is to cripple you – mentally, spiritually, emotionally (not just physically). When people see you as “crippled”, they assume you will remain that way forever, and they count you out. But the truth is, when you submit to the anointing others will begin to see you – the new you – the God in you. They will see that old things are passed away and made new. That’s when you will say that it was all God’s doing, and then, He will get His glory!
  5. God will send refreshing in your fainting season. There will be times where you will be alone, times of discouragement, times of loss. In those times you have to encourage yourself. Think on the goodness of God, what He has already done for you, or how things could be way worse if it were not for His grace. When the darts are flying, when the wind is blowing, when the waves are crashing…Stand! His grace is sufficient enough to refresh and renew you. God isn’t just letting you go through, He’s building you up.
  6. Your condition can’t cancel your destiny. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve failed. Because it’s truly not about you. It’s about God. When it comes to your destiny, it’s about what God can do through you to touch others.
  7. Christianity is not a matter of taste or preference – it’s a matter of truth. Jesus said, “You say I am a king. Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.” (John 18:37-38 NLT)
  8. Don’t be jealous of the oppressor, and don’t choose any of his ways. Sometimes we look upon those that aren’t serving God, yet appear blessed, and we get envious. The devil is a liar! Trust in the Lord and do good. Delight yourself and commit yourself to the Lord.
  9. You were created for God’s purpose. God does not give us gifts and talents just so that we can be gifted and talented. He wants to use us to draw people to Christ.  What good is your ministry if you’re not using it for what God created you for?
  10. There is power in your praise. The devil understands how valuable your praise is. He understands that there is an exchange that takes place when you praise. Where your praise is, God is – for He inhabits the praises of His people. If you want to be free, just praise God where you are – right in the middle of your mess. Praise and magnify the Lord in your trouble. There is a place God wants us to get to, and trouble may be the very stepping stone to get there. “To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory.” (Isaiah 61:3 NLT)
  11. Stop starting and not finishing! On our own we can conceive some things but never bring them to term.  But when God plants a seed, He that has begun a good work in you is able to complete it.
  12. Read the word of God to look for God, not to prove anything to anyone. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. He doesn’t need your defense. Study to show yourself approved to God. You may plant a seed, another may water that seed, but God alone will add the increase.
  13. We are called to be fishers of men. We often focus too much on fishing in shallow water, trying to hook those that are already saved. We need to start fishing in the deep-sea. Remember, we were all once deep-sea fish that Jesus hooked and reeled out.
  14. God is able to give back what the devil stole. God can restore homes, marriages, relationships, children, families, ministry…He will give you back what the enemy took from you. And when Jesus gives it all back to you, it will be better than before.
  15. If you will, He will. With God, all you need is a willing mind.
  16. We live by faith, not explanation. You can’t understand the Godhead without receiving Christ. Some things come with and through Christ only. And yet still, there are some mysteries that have not been unlocked. The just shall live by faith.
  17. When Jesus brings you out, he brings you out so you can stay out. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. In Him there is no condemnation, but instead, redemption. That’s not an excuse for sin, but in reality, as long as we are clothed in flesh we are subject to sin. The blood of Jesus covers our past and future sins.
  18. Grace is above the law. Moses might be the house, but He that built the house is greater than the house. Don’t get caught up in the law, get caught up in Jesus. He forgives, redeems and saves.
  19. Salvation is a free and open invitation to all. Salvation is given, and it’s not ours to give. Salvation is not a process as many tend to think.  Salvation happened on the cross. Deliverance is the process.
  20. God gives us strength for service, not status. How can I help? How can I bless someone else? Let this mindset be in us, as it was in Christ.


Peace & Blessings,

Tiffany ❤


Linking up at:

Wake Up Wednesday @ Sew Crafty Angel

Turn It Up Tuesday @ Epic Mommy Adventures

Whimsical Wednesday @ Rachel Wojo

Coffee For Your Heart @ Holley Gerth

Thriving Thursday @ Serving Joyfully

Titus 2 Tuesday @ Cornerstone Confessions

4 thoughts on “20 Affirmations of Faith: Can I get an Amen?

  1. I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate you taking the time to write all of this down and share it here. I hadn’t had the chance to come by in a while, and I felt led by the Spirit to come here today. I am SO thankful I did! I am in the midst of a very fiery trial, and oh, my! THIS is just what I needed to read. ALL OF IT…all 20 of these resonated with me today. Yes, you can get a strong AMEN from my little corner!!!! You are such a dear blessing, and I pray God blesses you in a BIG way in return!


    • Wow Cheryl, thank you for taking the time to read this post and for leaving this comment. To God be all the glory! You’ve blessed me with your words! I’ve been struggling to get back into my writing mode – as you can see, my last post is from mid November. I took a brake over the holidays and just lost my gusto. You’ve reminded me of why I started this blog. God bless you! I will lift you in prayer as you face this trial. God is in control. Stay encouraged and stay in His word and keep seeking his presence! You’ll get through this, I have full faith He will bring you through.


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