20 Affirmations of Faith: Can I get an Amen?












I count it a blessing to have the opportunity to learn from such an amazing Pastor, and some truly awesome ministers of God’s word. Sunday after Sunday I feverishly scribble down notes, and in between the shouting and jumping from my seat, I manage to jot down some great nuggets that I believe God himself pours out for me…for us. So I’d like to share some encouragement, that I pray leaps from my notepad into your heart. Continue reading

7 Steps to Translating Vision Into Actionable Goals


This morning I had the honor and pleasure of teaching a lesson on Goal Setting. My husband and I are part of our church’s Prison Ministry, and on the third Saturday of every month we volunteer our mornings to the important ministry of encouraging those that are incarcerated. Our program is very special to me, because we reach out to such a vulnerable and often forgotten about group – incarcerated teens. This month was my turn to minister, and hours later I am still in awe at the way the Lord imparted a message of hope, faith and vision to these young men. Continue reading