20 Affirmations of Faith: Can I get an Amen?












I count it a blessing to have the opportunity to learn from such an amazing Pastor, and some truly awesome ministers of God’s word. Sunday after Sunday I feverishly scribble down notes, and in between the shouting and jumping from my seat, I manage to jot down some great nuggets that I believe God himself pours out for me…for us. So I’d like to share some encouragement, that I pray leaps from my notepad into your heart. Continue reading

Breaking the Chains of Fear (Part Two): 4 Surefire Ways to Conquer Fear in Your Life








God did not intend for us to be fearful. In fact, he wants us to be strong and courageous. He wants to move us from bondage to liberty. I touched on this in my last post, Breaking the Chains of Fear (Part One): 7 Fundamental Truths About Fear, which was part one of a two-part series. The focus of this series is conquering emotionally destructive fear – the kind of fear that breeds worry and anxiety, that robs us of a joy-filled life and causes us to step outside of  God’s will. While my previous post took a look at the ways the enemy uses fear as a form of bondage against God’s people, now I’d like to take a look at what God’s Word says about conquering this fear.

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Breaking the Chains of Fear (Part One): 7 Fundamental Truths About Fear

fear chains

I recently taught a bible study lesson on conquering fear. Fear is a common part of the human experience. Depending on the translation, it’s mentioned over 250 times in the Bible, which leads me to believe that God wants us to be mindful of this issue and to address it. Due to the lengthy content of my study, I decided to break it up into two parts. Part One takes a look at what fear is and how it affects God’s people. Part Two is a deeper dive into what God’s word says about fear, and how to get the victory over it. I pray this blesses and encourages! Continue reading

Temptation: Strategizing for the Battle

thinking businessman


Once again, my mind was completely blown by last week’s Sunday School “Battle Class”. So I feel compelled again to share my notes! In case you missed them, here are two recent posts from previous battle classes on Salvation and Pride. Worth the read when you have time!

This past week’s lesson was taught by one of our Deacons, and not only is he a very intelligent and wise man of God, but he’s also a military veteran. So he certainly knows a thing or two about the battle field.

The lesson was on conquering Temptation. I’ve shared some key highlights below. Be blessed! Continue reading

“5 Minute Friday”: Finishing


Lisa-Jo Baker began this week’s “Five Minute Friday” post with this: “We tend to think that starting is the hardest part of the story. I think it’s finishing.” I couldn’t agree more.

Right now I am about shoulder deep in planning for my church’s annual school supplies drive. With thoughts of those precious little ones that we are endeavoring to bless…I focus on finishing the work the Lord appointed me to do in His name. Continue reading

20 Attributes of Pride: Examining Ego, Hindrance & Deliverance











As I reflect on group bible study sessions and conferences that I’ve attended, as well as my own personal reading and study, I’ve committed to sharing the nuggets that the Lord gives me here on this blogging platform. This post is such a time.

I recently attended a mind-blowing bible study on the topic of “Pride”. It’s amazing how we hear a word like pride, and automatically think of others – and not ourselves. Certainly, there is such a thing as positive pride, or in other words, justifiable, reasonable self-respect. But a spiritual hindrance for many if not all of us – in one way or another, at some point in time or another – is negative pride. Continue reading

55 Reasons to Never Give Up



I’ve been blogging for 3 months now, and as humble as I would like to believe I am, I have to admit, I still feel the pressure of wanting to be “liked” in the blogosphere. As much as I’d like to say that I don’t need anyone to “like” me, or agree with my point of view, or even care about what I have to say…the truth is, in this busy land of social sharing, we all in one way or another want to be liked. We all want to feel that our writing has purpose, and that we are impacting and inspiring someone…ideally many.

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“Five Minute Friday” – You May Feel LOST, But God Has a Plan!



Today, for the first time, I’m participating in Lisa-Jo Baker’s Five Minute Friday challenge. I love the idea of taking a single word as a writing prompt, and then just writing without prep or planning…for five minutes. As a blogger that spends so much time agonizing over every word I publish (yes, I admit it, this is true), just sitting here at my computer and typing freely and without pause is actually quite therapeutic and liberating. I may do this every Friday from now on…we’ll see 🙂 Continue reading

10 Points on Salvation: A Quick 10 Minute Lesson



I was recently asked by my Pastor to teach a 10 minute lesson on Salvation.  I know, right!!?? Ten minutes on Salvation? Seriously???

This was part of a new “Battle Class” series, which focuses on various topics that many of us struggle with in our Christian walks. This 10 minute assignment was given to each “Battle Class” teacher, with no instruction other than to teach a 10 minute lesson on Salvation.

When this was first presented to me, I immediately wondered how I would be able to take such a huge and important foundational aspect of faith,  and boil it down to 10 minutes. I struggled for a while trying to figure out what my angle would be…do I just teach on a certain aspect of Salvation…or do I try to hit every point? Continue reading

The Sun of Her Smile, The Grace of Her Style. A Woman, Phenomenally.

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Today just so happens to be my birthday. So I was saddened to hear that one of my heroes passed away today. I know she has gone on to be with the Lord, so I will not let the sadness harbor. Instead, I decided to honor just of few of the countless examples of Salt & Light this truly “Phenomenal Woman” shed upon this earth. I invite you to scroll through and be inspired…

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